
Wardrobe Edit

Do you repeatedly tell yourself you have nothing to wear? Haven’t worn 70% of your wardrobe in the last 6 months? Do you find yourself wearing the same clothes again and again and feel uninspired? Is getting dressed an exhausting, stressful exercise on hectic mornings when you just don’t have much time, or perhaps you’re not sure how to put outfits together from your cluttered wardrobe?

If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of these questions, a Wardrobe Edit could be just what you need.

The Wardrobe Edit is generally the first step to falling (back) in love with your style and wardrobe as we work to create a new stylish you. I will guide you through a body shape analysis so you are equipped with the knowledge of your own body shape, what flatters it and why. We’ll look closely at your existing wardrobe and get a grasp on what’s working and what isn’t. We’ll identify your style personality whilst editing, organising and refreshing your wardrobe to suit it and build outfits you’ll love.

My goal is to make you feel fabulous yet comfortable and confident in your own skin whilst you learn some invaluable style lessons along the way. These sessions are light, fun and enjoyable.

Booking this service is normally the first step in reinvigorating your style and sense of identity. Do not underestimate the power of a Wardrobe Edit. Whilst embarking on their own exciting style journey, so many of my clients have found these sessions like therapy and positively life-changing!

How It Works

The wardrobe analysis will take place in your home. This will allow me to analyse your wardrobe, establish what is lacking and fill in the missing pieces. It is an opportunity to identify the clothes you no longer wear, the clothes that no longer fit and the items in your wardrobe that are outdated. You will gain a better understanding of how to work with what is already in your wardrobe by building outfits and looks that match your lifestyle. It will also give you a solid foundation to work with for all your future purchases.

Wardrobe Analysis can take up to 2-3 hours depending on the wardrobe size.

This service is often followed up with the Personal Shopping service.

Cost: €150 per hour (travel expenses may apply)

If you have a lot of clothes and you decide you would like additional time.

€50 each additional hour.

Mini Wardrobe Edit

A Mini Wardrobe Edit is a condensed version of the full Wardrobe Edit focusing on one particular area of your wardrobe, i.e.; work wardrobe, key seasonal/trend pieces, weekend wardrobe, etc. We will focus on one or two seasons.

This session takes place at your home for up to 1.5 hours and still includes a full consultation prior to the session, including analysis of Body Shape and Style Personality.

This service is ideal for smaller wardrobes and returning clients who have already enjoyed a Wardrobe Edit with me and would like a seasonal refresh. 

Cost: €200 for 1.5 hours.

Please contact me for more information.

Personal Shopper

Do you feel overwhelmed when you hit the shops? Not sure where to start, where to look and what exactly to shop for? Do you know which brands suit your body shape? Do you even know what your body shape is?

So why use a Personal Stylist?

Shopping with a personal stylist can save you time, money and even wardrobe space. How many times have you bought something and never worn it? Have you looked into a wardrobe full of clothes and found nothing to wear? Do you feel pressurised into buying something for that special occasion and only wear it once?  With the aid of my styling services I will ensure you purchase investment versatile pieces that will last. You will no longer experience the frustration, hassle or time drain trying to find the perfect wardrobe.

How It Works

The process starts with a pre-shopping consultation. Ideally this is done on a one-to-one basis prior to the shopping experience. During this consultation, I will identify your requirements by assessing your individual styling needs, your budget, your personal style preferences and your overall goals for the experience.

What is included:

  • A style consultation form and a style personality quiz to determine your style focus before we meet.

  • Research and in-store prep prior to our meeting.

  • Body Shape Analysis (for first-time clients) 3-hour experience.

  • Style tips and fresh ideas to elevate your look.

  • Advice on fashion trends, always age-appropriate!

  • Guidance on the best places to shop for your age, body shape, lifestyle & budget.

  • A personal style file/look book send to you after the session with Images of chosen outfits & links to additional key pieces you may want to buy to complete your new look.

I will then complete my pre-shopping research in order to ensure our personal shopping day is productive and focused.

Cost: €100 per hour

Book a Consultation

Let’s discuss how best I can help you get value from my personal styling services. Feel free to contact me and book a consultation to explore further…